Designed to Meet the Needs of the EV Buyer

We assembled a team of experts who conducted detailed research across the industry and analyzed internal claims data to develop a service contract focused exclusively on battery-powered electric vehicles.

Electric vehicles are distinctly different from gas-powered and hybrid vehicles. However, most other EV service contracts offer coverage for parts that are not even in the vehicle!


We've been covering electric vehicles with our Z2 service contract for more than five years. Based on the claims data we collected from those contracts combined with exhaustive research and intensive study of these automobiles, we've become the industry expert and built a service contract with the premier coverage that is synonymous with CNA National.


We didn't take the easy way by wedging a battery paragraph into our standard service contract. We built a one-of-a-kind service contract with four levels of coverage—from stated component to exclusionary with battery—designed to be attractive to consumers while also helping protect dealers' losses and reinsurance positions.


We took the initiative and time to learn about these unique vehicles to ensure we could not only offer a top-tier product, but also be able to effectively train and educate all of our clients on the marketing, sale and administration of our EV service contract. As the industry expert, we are your resource.

Levels of Coverage


Stated-component coverage for crucial components with value in mind


The most comprehensive stated-component coverage


Comprehensive exclusionary coverage

Elite Protect
with Battery

Elite protect coverage that includes the propulsion battery

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did CNAN create this product? +

What is different about this new product? +

Is a new dealer agreement or sign-up needed? +

What will the coverage be for the propulsion battery? +

Will the EV service contract be eligible for reinsurance options? +

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Help your EV customers fully protect their investment.

Buyers interested in EVs are typically better informed about their purchase than those looking at internal combustion engine vehicles. We’re dedicated to understanding what makes EVs unique, so let us help you meet the current and future needs of your customers.

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Complete the form to learn more about working with CNA National. Gain access to one of the most robust product portfolios in the industry. We look forward to partnering with you.

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